Did you know that polar bears eat seals and can live up to 30 years old in the wild? That’s what 3rd graders at Bluff Elementary School are talking about lately. Miss Duford’s students have been researching polar bear’s habitat, important features, diet and appearance. Students read informational text through books and websites to find their information. They have been practicing some of their comprehension strategies such as rereading and using text features to gather data. Students will next create rough drafts using complete sentences, and Miss Duford provides feedback for students to edit and rework. Upon completion of their research, each student creates their Polar Bear poster which includes paraphrasing their own writing and citing their sources. One student said, "body parts of the polar bears" were the most interesting part. Another student stated, "Polar bears get their food by waiting for the ringed seal to pop out of the water." A third student said the most interesting part of their research was "their habitat is cold and bitter."
Research is Polar-iffic!
March 10, 2022