Bluff Bulletin
November 9, 2023
First Quarter Ends
The first quarter has come to an end. It was nice to see so many families visiting the school on Thursday, November 9th to discuss their child’s progress. Educating Bluff students truly is a team effort! This time of year is also a good opportunity to take a moment to remind everyone about some of Bluff’s school procedures as we enter the second quarter of the school year.
Breakfast at Bluff: Breakfast is served at Bluff between 8:15 and 8:30 am. If your child eats breakfast at school, please be sure to have them arrive at 8:15 am so they are ready for the classroom by 8:30 am.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
As a reminder, drop off to school begins at 8:15 am and ends at 3:10 pm. The instructional day begins at 8:30 am each day, and students arriving after 8:30 am are marked tardy. This is valuable learning time in students’ schedules and promptness starts the day off on the right foot.
Here are a few important reminders about the procedures for arrival and dismissal at Bluff:
All students who walk to school or who arrive in cars that park alongside the road, enter the building through the entrance to the left of the building.
No dogs are allowed on school grounds unless they are a documented service dog.
There is no staff supervision near the gate before 8:15 am. Students should not be dropped off without an adult with them prior to the start of school. There have been many reports of unsafe behavior. Families will be contacted in the future if students arrive at school early and are not waiting safely and quietly to enter the building.
Students who are being dropped off by car should drive through the drop-off loop in front of the building. Staff are there to greet students and assist with exiting the car.
Remain in the car line and do not attempt to pass a car in front of you unless directed to do so.
Drive forward with traffic flow so that others can pull ahead.
Students should not exit the car until you are pulled into the drive area.
Dismissal is at 3:10pm. Typically dismissal should be wrapped up no later than 3:25pm. Please be sure to pick your child up by then so that staff can prepare for the following day or attend meetings in a timely manner.
Bus students and car riders are dismissed from the main entrance.
Any students who walk or whose family parks are on the road are dismissed through the left side entrance.
Any changes in dismissal should be reported to the main office. Students will not be dismissed to anyone who is not on the list that we have on file otherwise.
Important upcoming dates and events at Bluff:
Tuesday, November 21- Annual Bluff Thanksgiving Feast
Be on the lookout for more information soon!
Tuesday, November 21- Flu Clinic for students. Please return forms to the main office as soon as possible if you would like your child to participate.
Week of December 11- Bluff’s Scholastic Book Fair. Students will have the opportunity to visit the Fair during their Library time and it will be open during the Music Concert.
Thursday, December 14, 4:30 pm- Holiday Concert for Grades K-3
Week of December 18- Holiday Spirit Week (more details to follow!)