‘Can’t Eat’em Treat’em’
SAU6 Employees Are Girl Scouts’ Local Heroes
Every year, during Girl Scout cookie time, Troop 30261 chooses a group of community
members whom they consider local heroes. In past years, their heroes have been
Claremont’s City staff, the Fire Department and the Public Works Department. This
year, they chose the teachers, administrators and support staff of SAU6. For the
district-wide treat, they donated 560 of the boxes they sold during the campaign so
that all employees could enjoy their favorites.
The 17 girls in the troop sold cookies over six weekends at three locations each
weekend. They also sold cookies in the district’s schools. The Scouts’ goal was to sell
10,500 boxes — a goal they surpassed by selling 15,026 boxes. This was due, said
Troop Leader Tara Tilton, to the enthusiasm of the Scouts, who learned about goal
setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics.
Olivia Travis, a 10-year-old 4th grade student at Bluff Elementary School
and Junior Girl Scout, sold more than 700 boxes of cookies. Flanking her are,
from left, Chelsea Weatherford, administrative assistant to the superintendent;
Bluff principal Christine Baker; superintendent Michael Tempesta; and Troop
30261 Leader Tara Tilton.
“The Bluff Elementary School staff is so thankful to be recognized as local
heroes from the Girl Scouts,” said Baker. “The cookies undoubtedly brightened
the Bluff School Community. This wonderful project made the staff feel
appreciated in a ‘sweet’ way! Thank you so much!”