Bluff Bulletin 

January 8, 2024


Hello Winter!

Snowfall has finally arrived!  Students go outside for recess each day if the real-feel temperature is 10℉ or higher.  Please be sure that your child is prepared for outdoor play including hat, gloves/mittens, boots, coats and ski pants.  

TIGER Theatre Performance 

Bluff students had the privilege of having the TIGER Theatre group from Plymouth State come to the school to perform on Friday, December 1st.  The group encouraged children to think about what they can do to help in a bullying situation and to recognize the importance of working together through song and skit.  

Bluff PTO News

Meet the PTO Officers:  Leslie Peabody, President, Molly DeLuca, Vice President, Sarah Gelinas, Treasurer, and Christine Baker, Secretary.  The Bluff PTO meets on the second Monday of each month from 5:30-6:30 pm in the Bluff Conference Rm.  The PTO ran its first successful fundraiser event before the holidays which raised money that will be used to enrich students’ educational experience at Bluff.  For example, the PTO recently sponsored the TIGER Theatre and are contributing to the purchase of a new Gaga Pit for Bluff.  New members are always welcome!  

The next fundraiser is upon us.  The PTO will be selling Poppin’ Popcorn beginning Tuesday, January 9, 2024 and ending Monday, January 29, 2024.  Students will receive ordering packet information in backpacks, and all orders are conveniently placed online!

Upcoming Important Dates

Monday, 1/15/24- No School, MLK Day

Tuesday, 1/23/24- No School, Teacher Professional Development Day

Friday, 1/26/24- Quarter 2 Ends